It was a trip of two and a half days. It fell parallel with KIISE Computer Conference, so we attended the conference
These are pictures of seniors at my lab: including Ph.D. and MS students. Look at the poses they have given and the way they have enjoyed themselves. This is a great rarity in Pakistan where anyone above BS considers himself or herself as out of this world, where people think quite high of themselves just due to their education. They regard juniors as inferior and this is a very sad trend.
This is what I strongly feel on seeing seniors here in Korea and comparing them to what we have in Pakistan. Of course there are exceptions but the overall situation isn't good. In fact even the Professor of our lab is extremely humble and he sure is a big shot here, see his profile for that: Professor Kyu-Young Whang
We should surely learn from this attitude especially the educated and privileged class of Paksitan.
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